Andrew Styles

Andrew Styles

Physical Oceanographer

British Antarctic Survey


I am a physical oceanographer at the British Antarctic Survey and I study basin-scale and global-scale circulations alongside their behaviours in climate models.

I lead the adjoint component of OceanBound, an ambitious project to study the role of ocean boundary pressures in the global ocean. As an adjoint modeller, I am using the ECCO state estimate to determine what external forces the boundary pressures are most sensitive to.

I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford in 2023. I studied the dynamics of the Weddell Gyre and its influence on Southern Ocean ventilation. I tackled this research by designing idealized models, developing diagnostic methods, analyzing Lagrangian trajectories, and exploring possibilities with pen and paper analysis. I continue to study the dynamics of the Weddell Gyre and enjoy a close collaboration with members of the SO-CHIC project (Southern Ocean-Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate).

Please reach out to me if you would like to meet or collaborate!

image/svg+xml Idealized modeling Diagnostic methods Lagrangian trajectories Pen and paper analysis dl

Icons made with Inkscape

Recent Posts

Challenger Society Conference 2024

This year I will be attending the Challenger Society Conference in Oban. After some hiking in sunny Scotland, I feel refreshed and ready to go to my first Challenger conference!

SOFLUX webinar coming up

On the 11th July at 3pm UTC, I will be sharing my research on Southern Ocean ventilation as part of the SOFLUX webinar series. We will also all be celebrating the 3 year anniversary of this fantastic seminar series.

See you at EGU24!

This year I will be returning to Vienna to presenting my work at the EGU 2024 conference. I will be presenting some early work in the OceanBound projct (link here), an ambitious project to rediscover the global ocean through the lens of boundary pressures.

Recent Publications

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Southern Ocean Ventilation

Ocean ventilation translates atmospheric forcing into the ocean interior. The Southern Ocean is an important ventilation site for heat …

The Sensitivity of an Idealized Weddell Gyre to Horizontal Resolution

Estimates of the Weddell Gyre transport vary widely between climate simulations. Here, we investigate if inter-model variability can …

Spurious Forces Can Dominate the Vorticity Budget of Ocean Gyres on the C-Grid

Gyres are prominent surface structures in the global ocean circulation that often interact with the sea floor in a complex manner. …

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